
Web Development


We are specialising in professional, modern web development. This includes web apps, product websites, portfolio sites but also highly interactive, animated, 3D pieces of art.


Our team has years long experience working with WebGL, THREE.js and other 3D tools that are necessary to achieve stunning 3D online experiences.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

PWAs are highly-optimised web apps that load quickly, support offline access (to an extent at least) and, for example, can be integrated into a mobile phone's home screen similarly to native apps. We develop them in React and we use Service Workers to provide the offline functionality.

Real-time solutions

We work with WebRTC and WebSocket technologies to implement massively-multiplayer online solutions that respond to user's input immediately.

An example can be the work we've done for Star Wars: Lightsaber Escape, where we allowed users to control a lightsaber with their mobile phones.

We design and develop entire projects, but we are also happy to work on a component basis, whenever your find a challenging aspect of your idea that needs dedicated help.

See an example web project we helped deliver below:

Case Study

In collaboration with

Design Bridge


Design Bridge and Partners

Le Polish Bureau partnered with Superunion and Design Bridge and Partners to develop a brand-new and completely redesigned Design Bridge and Partners company website as a result of a merger between the two companies.